Gene regulation and Metabolism

Автор(ы):Collado-Vides J.
Год изд.:2002
Описание: This book is centered on current computational approaches to metabolism and gene regulation. This is an area of computational biology that welcomes new methods, ideas, and approaches with the goal of generating a better understanding of the complex networks of metabolic and regulatory capabilities of the cell. Classical concepts have to be redefined or clarified to address the study of the genetics of populations and of the biochemical interactions and regulatory networks organizing a living system. Given the constant and pervading importance of comparative genomics, these concepts must be precise when comparing genes, proteins, and systems across different species. This book is the outgrowth of a summer school following the Dagstuhl seminars which has been organized in Magdeburg in the summer of 1999.
Gene regulation and Metabolism — обложка книги. Обложка книги.
  1 Are the Eyes Homologous? [1]
    Jeremy C. Ahouse
I Information and Knowledge Representation [17]
  2 Automation of Protein Sequence Characterization and Its Application in Whole Proteome Analysis [19]
    Rolf Apweiler, Margaret Biswas, Wolfgang Fleischmann, Evgenia V. Kriventseva, and Nicola Mulder
  3 Information Fusion and Metabolic Network Control [49]
    Andreas Freier, RalfHofestadt, Matthias Lange, and Uwe Scholz
II Gene Regulation: From Sequence to Networks [85]
  4 Specificity of Protein-DNA Interactions [87]
    Gary D. Stormo
  5 Genomics of Gene Regulation: The View from Escherichia coli [103]
    Julio Collado-Vides, Gabriel Moreno-Hagelsieb, Ernesto Perez-Rueda, Heladia Salgado, Araceli M. Huerta, Rosa Maria Gutierrez, David A. Rosenblueth, Andres Christen, Esperanza Benitez-Bellon, Arturo Medrano-Soto, Socorro Gama-Castro, Alberto Santos-Zavaleta, Cesar Bonavides-Martinez, Edgar Diaz-Peredo, Fabiola Sanchez-Solano, and Duke Maria Millan
  6 Discovery of DNA Regulatory Motifs [129]
    Abigail Manson McGuire and George M. Church
  7 Gene Networks Description and Modeling in the GeneNet System [149]
    Nikolay A. Kolchanov, Elena A. Ananko, Vitali A. Likhoshvai, Olga A. Podkolodnaya, Elena V. Ignatieva, Alexander V. Ratushny, and Yuri G. Matushkin
  8 Regulation of Cellular States in Mammalian Cells from a Genomewide View [181]
    Sui Huang
III Postgenomic Approaches [221]
  9 Predicting Protein Function and Networks on a Genomewide Scale [223]
    Edward M. Marcotte
  10 Metabolic Pathways [251]
    Steffen Schmidt and Thomas Dandekar
  11 Toward Computer Simulation of the Whole Cell [273]
    Masaru Tomita
Glossary [289]
Corresponding Authors [297]
Index [299]
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