Adenoviruses: basic biology to gene therapy

Автор(ы):Baudry Michel
Год изд.:1999
Описание: By author: «Five years ago, the three of us (M.B., R.F.T., and J.L.D.) edited a book published by The MIT Press, Synaptic Plasticity: Molecular, Cellular, and Functional Aspects, which was in part the outcome of an international symposium held at the University of Southern California to celebrate the inauguration of the Hedco Neuroscience Building. This building was and still is the home of many members of the Program in Neural, Informational, and Behavioral Sciences (NIBS), a program that has focused on multidisciplinary studies of synaptic plasticity. The book presented an up-to-date overview of the then status of research in the broad field of synaptic plasticity, including developmental plasticity, responses to neuronal injury, and mechanisms of learning and memory. It was well reviewed and was quite successful among neuroscientists and researchers interested in obtaining an introduction to the field. So much so that The MIT Press asked us to follow up with an update that would represent the current status of the field and that would allow the interested reader to measure the evolution and progress in this field.»
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