Компьютерный анализ структуры, функции и эволюции генетических макромолекул
Автор(ы): | Колчаков Н. А.
Год изд.: | 1989 |
Описание: | В последние десятилетия молекулярная биология и генетика переживают бурный период развития, связанный с появлением высокоэффективных методов исследования генетических макромолекул (ДНК, РНК и белков), включая быстрые методы определения первичных структур, высокоразрешающие методы определения пространственных структур и разнообразные технологии работы с рекомбинантной ДНК. Об этом и эта книга. |
Оглавление: |
![]() 2. Solovyev V.V., Salichova A.K., Rogozln I.B. System for functional diagnostic of genetic texts [12] 3. Shlndyalov I.N., Kllkunova I.N. Computer system for Investigation of molecular evolution on the basis of hoBologlcal sequences analysis [41] 4. Kapitonov V.V. Computer system for Investigating the properties of mobile genetic elements [65] 5. Rogozln I.В., Kolchanov N.A., Solovyov V.V., Sredneva H.E. A computer system helps through the analysis of a polynucleotlde context for the role It plays In the appearing of mutations [90] 6. Solovyev V.V., Salamov A.A., Sallkhova A.X. Computer eyete» for investigating structural organization of globular proteins 1. search for Informstivo characteristics and their usage for calculating the secondary structure [111] 7. Solovyev V.V., Sallkhova A.K., Salamov A.A. Computer system for Investigating structural organization of globular proteins 2. Analysis of regularities and calcullatlng Method of a helycal proteins tertiary structure [131] 8. Kel A.E,, Ischenko I.V., Omelyanchuk L.V. Computer modelling of the translation process [155] 9. Ponoaarenko M.P., Shlndyalov I.II., Kolchanov N.A, Expert system for predicting topological structures of globular protein on the basis of amino acid sequences [168] 10. Ponomarenko M.P., Orlov J.L. Expert system of fast estimation of.blopollmers characteristics utility for their classification [197] 11. Kel A.E., Ponomarenko M.P. , Orlov J.L., fflschenko Т.Н., Kolchanov N.A. The computer system for functional sites analysis In pollnucleotlde sequences [221] 12. Benukh D.N., Ponomarenko M.P., Kolchanov H.A.,Orlov J.L. Computer system analysis of DHA(RNA)-lnteractlng proteins [243] 13. Vltyaev E.E., Podcolodny H.L. From expert system to systems producting subject field theories [264] |
Формат: | djvu |
Размер: | 919820 байт |
Язык: | RUS |
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