Foundations of Systems Biology
Автор(ы): | Kitano Hiroaki
Год изд.: | 2001 |
Описание: | This book is the first book on systems biology, and consists of papers representing work in the systems biology field. It is loosely based on papers that were presented at ICSB2000. Of course, many research studies related to systems biology are already underway, and I must state that this book is by no means an exhaustive collection of such works. Also, the experimental aspects of systems biology are under-represented here, because many of the projects aiming at next-generation experiments are at their early stage and so are not ready for publication. Nevertheless, the book covers the central themes of systems biology: comprehensive and automated measurements, reverse engineering of gene and metabolic networks from experimental data, software issues, modeling and simulation, and system-level analysis. |
Оглавление: |
![]() Hiroaki Kitano I ADVANCED MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS 2 Automatic Acquisition of Cell Lineage through 4D Microscopy and Analysis of Early C. elegans Embryogenesis [39] Shuichi Onami, Shugo Hamahashi, Masao Nagasaki, Satoru Miyano, and Hiroaki Kitano II REVERSE ENGINEERING AND DATA MINING FROM GENE EXPRESSION DATA 3 The DBRF Method for Inferring a Gene Network from Large-Scale Steady-State Gene Expression Data [59] Shuichi Onami, Koji M. Kyoda, Mineo Morohashi, and Hiroaki Kitano 4 The Analysis of Cancer Associated Gene Expression Matrices [77] Mattias Wahde and Zoltan Szallasi 5 Automated Reverse Engineering of Metabolic Pathways from Observed Data by Means of Genetic Programming [95] John R. Koza, William Mydlowec, Guido Lanza, Jessen Yu, and Martin A. Keane III SOFTWARE FOR MODELING AND SIMULATION 6 The ERATO Systems Biology Workbench: An Integrated Environment for Multiscale and Multitheoretic Simulations in Systems Biology [125] Michael Hucka, Andrew Finney, Herbert Sauro, Hamid Bolouri, John Doyle, and Hiroaki Kitano 7 Automatic Model Generation for Signal Transduction with Applications to MAP-Kinase Pathways [145] Bruce E. Shapiro, Andre Levchenko, and Eric Mjolsness 8 Modeling Large Biological Systems From Functional Genomic Data: Parameter Estimation [163] Pedro Mendes IV CELLULAR SIMULATION 9 Towards a Virtual Biological Laboratory [189] Jorg Stelling, Andreas Kremling, Martin Ginkel, Katja Bettenbrock and Ernst Dieter Gilles 10 Computational Cell Biology — The Stochastic Approach [213] Thomas Simon Shimizu and Dennis Bray 11 Computer Simulation of the Cell: Human Erythrocyte Model and its Application [233] Yoichi Nakayama and Masaru Tomita V SYSTEM-LEVEL ANALYSIS 12 Constructing Mathematical Models of Biological Signal Transduction Pathways: An Analysis of Robustness [251] Tau-Mu Yi 13 Combination of Biphasic Response Regulation and Positive Feedback as a General Regulatory Mechanism in Homeostasis and Signal Transduction [263] Andre Levchenko, Jehoshua Bruck, and Paul W. Sternberg 14 Distinct Roles of Rho-kinase Pathway and Myosin Light Chain Kinase Pathway in Phosphorylation of Myosin Light Chain: Kinetic Simulation Study [279] Shinya Kuroda, Nicolas Schweighofer, Mutsuki Amano, Kozo Kaibuchi, and Mitsuo Kawato |
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