Superconductivity and localization
Автор(ы): | Sadovskii M. V.
Год изд.: | 2000 |
Описание: | In this book author present a review of theoretical and experimental works on the problem of mutual interplay of Anderson localization and superconductivity in strongly disordered systems. Superconductivity exists close to the metal-insulator transition in some disordered systems such as amorphous metals, superconducting compounds disordered by fast neutron irradiation etc. High-temperature superconductors are especially interesting from this point of view. Mainly bulk systems are considered, superconductor-insulator transition in purely two-dimensional disordered systems is not discussed in any detail, though nowadays it is a very active field of both experimental and theoretical research. |
Оглавление: |
![]() Chapter 2 ANDERSON LOCALIZATION AND METAL-INSULATOR TRANSITION IN DISORDERED SYSTEMS [7] 2.1 Basic Concepts of Localization [7] 2.2 Elementary Scaling Theory of Localization [13] 2.3 Self—Consistent Theory of Localization [20] 2.3.1 Isotropic Systems [20] 2.3.2 Quasi-Two-Dimensional Systems [33] 2.3.3 Self-Consistent Theory of Localization in Magnetic Field [36] 2.3.4 NMR Relaxation and Localization [40] 2.4 Phase Transition Analogy and Scaling for Correlators [44] 2.5 Interaction Effects and Anderson Transition [50] 2.5.1 Self-consistent theory with interactions [57] 2.5.2 Disorder in "Marginal" Fermi-liquid [70] Chapter 3 SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND LOCALIZATION: STATISTICAL MEAN-FIELD APPROACH [73] 3.1 BCS Model and Anderson Theorem [73] 3.2 Tc Degradation [79] 3.2.1 Coulomb Kernel [83] 3.2.2 Electron—Phonon Interaction [86] 3.2.3 Metallic Region [90] 3.2.4 Localization Region [93] 3.2.5 Spin Fluctuations [95] 3.2.6 Density of States Effects [97] 3.2.7 Localization and rf-wave Pairing [103] 3.3 Ginzburg-Landau Theory and Anderson Transition [117] 3.3.1 General Analysis [117] 3.3.2 Upper critical field [128] 3.3.3 Anisotropic pairing [142] 3.4 Fluctuation Conductivity Near Anderson Transition [151] 3.5 Superconductivity in Anderson Insulator at Т=0 [155] Chapter 4 STATISTICAL FLUCTUATIONS OF SUPERCONDUCTING ORDER PARAMETER [159] 4.1 Statistical Critical Region [160] 4.2 Superconducting Transition at Strong Disorder [165] Chapter 5 SUPERCONDUCTIVITY IN STRONGLY DISORDERED METALS: EXPERIMENT [177] 5.1 Traditional Superconductors [177] 5.2 High—(?) Superconductors [192] Chapter 6 CONCLUSION [223] Appendix A Spectral Densities and Criterion for Localization [227] Appendix В Linearized Gap Equation in Disordered Systeni [231] Appendix С Derivation of Ginzburg-Landau Coefficients [237] Appendix D Anisotropic scattering [243] Appendix E Instanton solution [247] Bibliography [249] |
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Размер: | 3736723 байт |
Язык: | ENG |
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